Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition that alters the course of many lives. Anne Arundel Audiology takes all treatment seriously, even if the symptoms are minor. With a proper plan in place, the symptoms will no longer disrupt your life.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is when you hear ringing in one or both ears. It can also be described as a hissing, clicking, buzzing or even knocking in your ears. These are phantom sounds and can only be heard by the individual. It becomes less noticeable when you’re around other sounds. But in a quiet setting, the environment gets filled with random tinnitus distractions. As they come and go, your concentration takes a huge hit. That means even simple things such as sleep become a true test of patience.


At a concert, your enjoyment levels are at an all-time high. It isn’t until the end of the event that you notice the residual sounds don’t immediately go away. Most of the time, this is temporary tinnitus that will wear off on its own. Repeated exposure to similar loud sounds will eventually lead to a situation where tinnitus becomes permanent. There is also naturally occurring tinnitus that develops as you get older. At first, it is subtle enough to not interfere with routine activities. Tinnitus symptoms become more glaring while trying to focus on particular tasks or in quiet environments. In this moment, that is when the seriousness of the effects become clear. Once it is heard, the sensation gets worse as you try to ignore the phantom sounds.

Avoiding Tinnitus

Hearing protection has been a way to prevent tinnitus symptoms. In some professions, the protection is a mandatory part of employment. You can purchase earplugs, earmuffs and custom earmolds to prevent noise exposure from damaging your hearing. Even generic earplugs are a better option to protect your hearing. For hearing aid wearers, some brands include built in protection for the prevention of tinnitus.


It’s never too late to get treated for tinnitus. Solutions include medicine, maskers and tinnitus retraining therapy. The cause of your tinnitus will be the guide to which method of treatment works best in lessening the symptoms. Severity also matters, as tinnitus strength is different for every individual. Finding the best solution will always come after a thorough session with an audiologist. Combating tinnitus takes patience but with the proper solution and the help of your audiologist you can get much-needed relief.