Hearing Protection

In a world filled with various sounds, from noisy environments to recreational activities, safeguarding your hearing is essential. Whether or not it is expected, high decibel levels can decline your hearing. At Anne Arundel Audiology we offer an array of hearing protection from musician’s earplugs to custom earmolds. Our committed team is dedicated to assisting you in identifying the ideal solutions that seamlessly align with your unique needs and preferences.


Hearing protection comes in the form of earplugs or earmuffs. The difference is in discretion, comfort and features. Earmuffs will block out the most sound, while earplugs are more versatile and comfortable. Different features come from the various earplug types, but some jobs specifically require earmuffs.

Having a combination of the two will provide you the best protection possible in all situations. That means you can pick and choose which type of protection to use for your profession, hobby or personal time. If you’re a hunter, then your shot will be affected by the protection worn. It is recommended to try both during different sessions to find the best fit for your style.

Musicians’ Earplugs and Monitors

Performing in the studio or at a live concert is risky without the proper protection. Musicians’ earplugs protect an artist’s ear without disrupting the integrity of the music. That means they can create in the studio without worrying about the risks.

When performing the same tracks live, the onstage music and roar of the crowd is an intense sound experience. This is where in ear monitors helps by protecting the band from getting overwhelmed with the noise. As replacements for onstage wedges, in-ear monitors clear the stage and make it easier for the band to hear the music exactly as the crowd hears it.

Custom Fit

Generic earplugs will do the job for basic protection and are good to have as backups for an emergency. But great protection can only come with a custom fit designed for your unique ear shape. Custom earplugs provide features that are dependent on an exact fit. They are made specifically for your ear canals, and are less likely to cause irritation when you wear them for extended hours.

Custom earmolds function similarly by resting on the inside of your ear. These molded earpieces are often used by government and law enforcement officers. They offer a nice compromise between an earmuff and earplug in a professional setting. Advanced features are still accessible due to the size, including on-device buttons for various features. Custom earmolds are not exclusive to working professionals, as they are often used by consumers for personal use.